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The ultimate reason for whatever goes wrong!

"Life takes its course while people tell stories." A memorable phrase that struck me as very strange when I first heard it.

Are you aware of being an outstanding storyteller?
Are you aware of being an outstanding storyteller?

But if we pause for a moment and think about the statement, it dawns on us what lies behind it. These are the words of a wise man and teacher with whom I had the privilege of speaking a long time ago.

Imagine you meet the love of your life. Everything goes well, you get married and start a family. A spacious home provides a haven of family happiness for many years before a new dynamic slowly creeps in.

The intimate days of your first love begin to fade, and a few years later you are no longer even neutral towards each other, but sceptical and hostile. Over time, the former rituals of your declarations of love have given way to habits that no longer even hint at closeness.

If you were asked independently how this could have happened, you would both come up with substantial arguments that make it clear that you have been suffering more than enjoying each other's company for some time.

You are one of the 40% of marriages that fail after 20 years. The separation is accompanied by many hurdles, insinuations, resentments and further disappointments, which reinforce your opinion that it was surely the other person's fault and that the development was inevitable.

Life takes its course while people tell stories about it.

Imagine you visit an astrologer who practices Jyotisha. Based on your birth horoscope, he tells you when you met the former love of your life. Surprisingly, this astrologer also knows the course and development of the relationship, knows how well you lived and can tell you when the wind changed and the once beautiful love affair came to an end.

While you are still marvelling, the astrologer points out that this information can be read from your birth horoscope. In other words, the dynamics of your love and family life were already clear at birth.

Wait a minute! Two considerations now set off alarm bells!

  1. are you saying that this was all inevitable?

  2. but my partner has clearly behaved in a way that has lost my trust and love! He has a responsibility (and so do I, of course)

When two people come together, whether it's in a romantic relationship or a business partnership, one thing is certain: it's only a matter of time before differences arise. Another statement by one of my teachers.

Jyotisha is a very good way of showing when such serious differences will break out. How these differences will end, however, is by no means predetermined (which answers the first consideration).

Let's stay with the example of a relationship. If we are willing and motivated to nurture our relationship from the beginning and enjoy the time on cloud nine, but at the same time use it to develop the partnership further, then differences will only lead to arguments and not to the break-up of the relationship.

However, as we are subject to a certain zeitgeist in our culture that places little or no importance on this relationship maintenance (from the outset), attempts to make up for this later, when disagreements arise, are usually doomed to failure (which answers consideration two).

What story are you telling?

No life runs smoothly. Problems are part of life (some even say that life itself is the problem). Jyotisha helps us to understand the timing of problems, which enables us to tell the appropriate story in which the solution to a problem becomes part of the narrative.

When you know what to expect, you can set your expectations accordingly.

  1. Your expectations of the situation itself.

  2. Your expectations of the people involved.

  3. And your expectations of your own critical role.

You cannot avoid problems because you - like every being - depend on your environment, its activities and current events. In the same way, you cannot avoid having luck and success (due to the exact same dependencies).

The Magic of Expectation

Jyotisha tells you what can work for you at what time (but also what cannot work). When you see yourself as part of a larger order, it is not difficult to open up and face these dynamics.

Your influence remains incredibly powerful because your choices and actions change the degree to which these successes and problems are dynamized and spread. Jyotisha therefore helps you to use your potential at the right time and thus take your happiness and success into your own hands.

It only becomes problematic for those who see themselves as the rulers of all kingdoms and simply reject the idea of being part of a larger order. These are the warriors among us, who sooner or later wear themselves out through trial and error, because they too often fight against the wind and the current, always relying on themselves and their own strength (which is finite).

The expectations you have of life (and we all have expectations of life all the time) are completely different when you know the problems and their ups and downs before you encounter them.

With your expectations, your experience changes, and with that experience, the story you tell as life unfolds.

Everything that goes wrong in our lives only seems to "go wrong" to us because it is contrary to the expectations we had before. If your love relationship stumbles without warning, that's a problem. However, if you know in advance that the coming period is going to be challenging for your relationship, then you and your better half will prepare for it, and you will already be working on a solution to a situation that is nothing more than a minor challenge.

So why should you care about what's to come? I think it's crystal clear now: you are changing your expectations, telling yourself a solution-oriented story, and actively shaping your life and therefore your happiness and success.

For one thing is clear: "Life takes its course while people tell stories.” If only everyone knew how important stories are, and how Ancient Wisdom Lore can help us tell the right stories!

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